Ubuntu MATE

Because my brother bought me a MacBook Pro that does my 3D printing, I don't need Windows anymore... So I decided to install Linux on my VivoBook 15...

Making a Windows 10 recovery drive:

Photo of making a Windows 10 recovery drive

Made a Debian USB drive using Rufus... (Don't install Notepad++, it will ruin your day!)

Photo of making a Debian USB drive using Rufus

After fiddling with the UEFI, I managed to boot it...

Photo of the Debian install screen

Couldn't get it to load the non-free firmware, tried the unofficial build with non-free firmware, but still couldn't load it...

Photo of the Debian install process, showing the error screen of missing firmware

That made me think of giving Ubuntu MATE a try, it detected my wireless card and loaded the firmware automatically!

Photo of the Ubuntu MATE install screen

Updating the software...

Photo of Ubuntu MATE, updating the software

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