
Thanks to my brother Kit and his husband Roger for this AeroPress, a very thoughtful gift. Before I got this I was drinking instant coffee. When making coffee with the AeroPress, it doesn't take that much longer than instant, and it isn't that much more difficult than instant, but the taste is so much better. It has been making tasty black coffees since Christmas 2022!

Photo of the AeroPress

I usually buy coffee in AeroPress ground, but the shop that I buy my coffee from once sent me beans by mistake. Rather than send it back for a refund, I thought I'd try buying a grinder and grinding the beans...

I bought a Henry Charles Model HC01 Manual Coffee Grinder from Amazon. Sounds very royal don't you think? But do royalty grind their own coffee beans? I was worried that it wouldn't grind fine enough for the AeroPress, but I used the setting two or three notches before it jams shut and it seems to be OK. It would be nice to have a coarseness indicator on this, but it's OK at the moment... Don't ask me why I didn't buy an electric grinder...

Photo of the grinder

Adjusting the coarseness...

Photo of the grinder coarseness adjuster

Coffee beans grinded...

Photo of the grinded coffee

I would like to link the shop that I buy coffee from, recommended by Roger, Algerian Coffee Stores. They sell lovely coffee, and I have been trying some of their house blends. Some that I like are the Cafe Napoli, Cafe Torino, Esotico and Gourmet Noir. A Mocha Parfait after dinner is great! I have been buying coffee from them since December 2022.

Photo of the coffee made and in a cup

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